Apply for a spot at Django Girls Abraka!

Yay! We're so excited you want to be a part of our workshop. Please mind that filling out the form below does not give you a place on the workshop, but a chance to get one. The application process is open from 18th March, 2024 until 11th June, 2024. If you're curious about the criteria we use to choose applicants, you can read about it on Django Girls blog. Good luck!

Include your country prefix

City, Country

What is your current job? Are you a student?

Tell us about your motivations and aspirations.

Django Girls is a volunteer-run organisation and we look for people who are active and can help us help more women get into the field. We want you to share what you learn at the workshop with others in different ways: by organising a Django Girls event in your city, talking about Django Girls on your local meetups, writing a blog or simply teaching your friends.

Data collected through this form is used only for the purpose of Django Girls events. We're using Third Party Sites and Services to make it happen: for example, we're using Sendgrid to send you emails. Don't worry: We don't share your data with spammers, and we don't sell it! More info on our Privacy policy here.

¡Sin spam, juramento de meñiques! Solo consejos de programación útiles y las últimas noticias del mundo de Django Girls. Lo enviamos una vez cada dos semanas.

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