
All the resources we've created are open sourced under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4). This means that you can modify, distribute and use commercially, but you cannot sublicense and you have to give us credit and include copyright.

Tutorial de Django

El tutorial que estamos usando para todos nuestros talleres. Es un tutorial muy amigable para principiantes con introducciones a la línea de comandos, Python, Django, HTML y CSS.

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Manual del organizador

We have written down everything we know about organizing workshops like Django Girls. It's a handbook for organizers of local events, but can be used to organize any kind of workshop.

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Coaching Manual

A good coaching approach is the most important part of Django Girls events. Learn how to be a good coach, what the rules are and what we believe in. This can be used for coaching any event -- not only Django Girls workshops.

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Extensiones de tutoriales

This book contains additional tasks and tutorials that can be accomplished after finishing our main tutorial. Our main tutorial fits into one day of work and we want it to stay this way.

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